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How to
Pitch Us

In addition to journalists on staff, some of our reporting is also sourced from private citizens all over the world who are passionate about holding companies to account. 


If you are aware of an issue in your community that you think deserves attention, get in touch to contribute to our work. 


Familiarize yourself with the topics we cover (and what we don't) and our editorial guidelines, to make sure your idea is a good fit.



If you think it fits, get in touch! Email with "PITCH:" in the subject line and a title. Keep the email short —  tell us the topic, the reason and the method. And a few words about you.



Expect a response within two business days, whatever our answer. If we're interested in your pitch, we'll provide feedback and ask any additional questions. 



Once we have a game plan, you'll work to gather information for your story. You'll work with our editor through the reporting and writing processes, up until the story gets published.

What we look for

We are especially looking to shine a light on underreported aspects of business sustainability, including but not limited to issues of child labor, forced labor and human rights in big companies' supply chains, working conditions, pollution and deforestation.
We do original reporting and use original sources.

We don't publish opinion or commentary, essays or ideas.
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